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Events at Piccolo Castello
October 2023
November 2023
March 2024
Silent Retreat
The five-day retreat allows you to immerse yourself in stillness, being with yourself, and observing all that shows up in the present moment.
We sit together in meditation in the morning and evening. Once a day, there is the possibility to talk about your experiences in silence and receive suggestions for expanding your inner experience. The rest of the time you arrange it according to your needs.
Breakfast is provided. The rest of the food will be provided by the participants themselves. We will buy and give the food.
Financial contribution according to self-assessment between 300,- € and 600,- €, including food and accommodation.
Leader: Damiano Nöthen
Every Tuesday, 7 p.m.
in the Style of Zen
Silent awareness in the here and now is meditation. Za-Zen is the practice of sitting in silence. Sitting in stillness needs no experience as a prerequisite: you sit on your cushion, breathe and contemplate the inner happenings. Without a goal, without intention. Just being there, present. Now.
After 20 minutes of sitting in silence, we walk in a circle with the same attitude of mind, slowly, step by step. 10 minutes. Then we sit in silence for another 20 minutes.
Finally, we drink tea together.
23. bis 28. Juni 2023
Intuition Retreat for Women in Natur
The Piccolo Castello di Nottiano Spiritual Centre is nestled in pure nature. The healing power of nature brings us to our roots. It brings us to our feminine fullness. Nature is, per se, in harmony, in tune with the divine. It opens the way to intuition. With intuition exercises, sharing, and Gestalt therapy, we welcome the inner knowing that lies as a treasure within us. Gestalt therapy always supports where fears and pain, anger, and shame arise, and the courage for the new needs the healing of the old. We listen to the spiritual-energetic power of our female embodiment. Leaving it open, exploring, listening to, and mirroring each other. The focus is on the question of the here and now of your life and how you can really live the inspiration of your intuitions and the power of your womanhood.
Financial contribution: 520,- plus board & lodging.
You want to be there, but the price is an obstacle?
Feel free to contact me. The development of consciousness is more important than money.
Leader: Solveig Thorwart, seminar leader since 2000, Gestalt therapist, intuition researcher, mother, angel ambassador, author, and musician.
Once a month
Women’s Sharing Circle
Do you feel like connecting with yourself and other women in a conscious and powerful way? Life always happens in this moment! We share this moment in a circle, listening to each other’s words, noticing each other, sharing what comes up in feelings, insights, intuitions, words and silence. Without all the polite and conditioned structures of responding to someone who speaks. We connect as sisters in a supportive and genuine way – without denying the differences that arise, without hiding uncomfortable facets we may be experiencing within ourselves. Thus, this sharing circle can be a powerful experience to explore yourself more deeply and connect more deeply with other women. Pure Aliveness.
Feel free to share this invitation with your friends.
Please let me know by the day before whether you would like to come.
If you would like to have a snack after the Women’s Circle, feel free to bring something to share with us over tea after the Circle.
There is no charge for coming. If you would like to make a little contribution to our new spiritual center, please feel free to quietly put something in a donation box. It is most welcome and appreciated. At the same time, you are also welcome to simply bring your own authenticity, Being, and Light.
Once a month
An evening
with songs of Taizé
We join together in a circle in singing these beautiful, mantra like songs that originated in the international ecumenical monastery of Taizé in France. They are spiritual songs of gratitude, of turning to the Divine, of universal love. Between the songs is silence – silence of listening, prayer, meditation. A simple and joyful experience of community and spirituality.
Daily 6 p.m.
Peace Meditation
Every evening at 6 p.m., we meet in spirit with all those who wish to meditate with us. This small meditation of 10 minutes, which is part of everyday life, is dedicated to peace. Based on the realization that all matter is ultimately vibration, we acknowledge the effect of a peaceful alignment of one’s mind.
If you would like to receive a little reminder every evening shortly before six, join our telegram ( or WhatsApp ( peace group.
From time to time there are also online meditations followed by sharing.
Here you can download a text describing this peace meditation’s inspiration.